Monday, September 11, 2006

I'm looking over a four leaf clover...

Yes, I found a four leaf clover today in our backyard! We happen to have tons of clovers in our backyard! LOL! So this means good luck will come my way!! YAY!

My check-in went great today, lost 1 lb. So that's a total of 1.6 lb lost so far :o) I got measured today as! Couldn't help looking at that hip measurement!! Eekk!! Ella made me measure her, too, while we were there! Oh & she stepped on the scale, too (she's 30lb). LOL!

Today I felt much better, I am learning to spread my food over the course of the day so I don't get those hunger pangs. I just have to make sure I plan my meals, otherwise I find myself in a bit of a rut.

Ella was a bit of a handful today, so my neck is a little sore tonight :( Must get to bed soon so I can rest my weary head.



Anonymous said...

Good for you , Ann!! It's a lot of hard work and committment, but you can do it!


Ann said...

Aww, thanks, Sue! I appreciate the support :)